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$25 for 25
This September I’m turning 25; which, I guess, is kind of a big deal. By age 25, there’s the expectation of a certain level of adulting skills and life experience. What is often left un-thought about, though, is the hindrance of poverty to young people developing in the areas that seem to just creep up on us!
Compassion Australia work in 25 countries around the world and funds they receive address Critical Needs which, as declared on their site, “provide customised care for all registered children, allows for preventative action, and continues Compassion’s ministry to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name”.
For these reasons, I’m asking people I know and anyone who happens to stumble across this page, to donate $25 to 25 countries for my 25th birthday.
Here are some things I’ve realised about turning 25:
• It’s a realistic expectation (though less and less economically viable, thank you, Baby Boomers) that I will be buying my own house in the not-so-distant future.
• It’s not unusual when people my age are getting married and having babies. Wait, aren’t we the babies?? Not anymore. When I tune in to kids’ TV shows (because I have nephews, I promise), a significant proportion of the presenters are actually my own age.
• I can no longer depend completely on my parents for everything outside of my comfort zone. You know what that means? I have to pick up the phone and make my own doctors’ appointments! And what’s more? My metabolism ain’t what she used to be! Downing a box of pizza shapes after school used to be no big deal and now those old threats of my dad’s: “if you eat any more chips, you’ll turn into one!”, echo in my mind as I realise that I am, in fact, a potato with arms.
• There is a particular kind of happiness that comes from ripping open a package, when I spot the ASOS emblazed wrapping sitting in my post box. My addiction to online shopping (#notanad #asospleasesponsorme) has though, as I approach 25, taught me the hard truth that a full cart at 25% off, is probably not a saving of $50, but a waste of $200. Budgeting is actually important. And the 38+ hours of work each week and the ever-illuminated fuel light in my car are constant reminders of this.
As confronting as I may find getting older, the reality is that I am in a wonderfully blessed position! And the upcoming prospects of houses, weddings, babies, jobs and meals make me all the more conscious that I don’t need gifts – but that there are many people under 25 who are in need. A $25 (or any amount) donation to this page will empower impoverished people to deal with: infrastructure, highly vulnerable children, health, income generation, disaster relief, education and training.
Compassion Australia
Compassion Australia is part of a global network of both funding and 25 developing countries that is Compassion International. Together, we are a Christian child advocacy ministry that partners with local churches to release children from poverty in Jesus' name. To find out more or sponsor a child, visit