Community events are a great way to gather people together to raise awareness and donations for children living in poverty. You can run an event as an individual, or get your friends and family, community group, school or workplace to give you a hand. Events can range from morning teas or dinner-and-movie nights, to gala events, picnics in the park or school fetes.

Simply set up your personal fundraising webpage, with customised pictures, blogs, video and details about your event, and then send it to your friends for their support. Your page will accept donations online through a secure interface, and issue the donor with a receipt. Your page will list the details of each donation, including any comments of encouragement you receive from your supporters.

You can update your page at any time to let your supporters know how you are going. You can also use the Facebook connect function to share your updates on your Facebook page, keeping your friends and family up-to-date about your event, and encouraging others to support as well.

Contact Compassion Australia
Street Address: 30 Warabrook Boulevard, Warabrook NSW
Postal Address: PO Box 1 Hunter Region Mail Centre NSW 2310 Australia
Phone: 1300 22 44 53
Fax: +61 2 4935 5099